Yeah, well, it’s been about a hundred years since I updated this. But we have been working away at the new studio. We are hopefully in the home stretch on this thing. We’re painting the interior, trimming out the doors & windows. I never would’ve dreamed that we’d still be working on this project when we broke ground last January. But the difficulties of building in a year in which we met our yearly average rainfall total in July have pronounced themselves over and over. Endless mud, days lost because it was too wet to work. It has been a lesson in patience. But I keep telling myself to focus on the end result.
The space inside the studio is going to be everything I had hoped for. Lots of light, nice views. It’s an inspirational setting to be in, up in the trees. And that’s why I have decided to name the studio The Arbor Studio. The building is very tall and surrounded by gorgeous East Tennessee hardwood forest. It is my intention to let the woods grow back in around the building so that it stays as close to it’s natural setting as possible. The woodwork on the building is amazingly beautiful and my builder is putting his best craftsmanship to work to create what I think is going to be a remarkable building. I hope to record remarkable music there. With good luck and skill the building will be finished in a month. So Spring will be time to get it set up to record.
Tags: Knoxville, music, recording, Tennessee, The Arbor Studio